A goal without a plan is just a wish.
Antoine de Saint-Exupery
Antoine de Saint-Exupery
To be successful in your life, you need to have a life plan. Without a plan, many of your dreams will only be dreams. A life plan, on the other hand, will help you turn your dreams into reality. It works because it gives you not just a destination, but also a way to get there.
A life plan doesn’t have to be complicated. It should answer just two questions:
- What is your destination?
- How will you get there?
This way of thinking helps us identify what matters most to us. For me, faith in God, family, and service to others are my top priorities. My plan for each day is to commune with God, to spend time with family, and to look for and respond to the needs of others. I know that if I work my plan, then I will get to my destination – heaven!
So what does your life plan look like? Don’t have one? – Maybe today is the day you ask God to help you develop one. I guarantee by doing this you will find purpose in life.