Soul-utions is a carefully crafted worship experience designed to help you on your spiritual journey. We are a group of people who are seeking God's plan for how to live our lives. You are welcome to join us on Sunday mornings at 11:00 AM at Morrison United Methodist Church in Leesburg, Florida. Come on in, grab some breakfast, and experience the love of Christ.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Life is the sum of all your choices.” – Albert Camus
We make decisions every day.  Everything we say and do is the result of a decision, whether we make it consciously or not.  Whether our choices are big or small, there is no easy formula for making the right decision.  The best we can do is to approach it from as many perspectives as possible and then choose a course of action that seems reasonable and balanced.
Because every decision we make has consequences, the process can be very stressful.  Have you ever been afraid to make the wrong decision?   The key to relieving the stress caused by making decisions is found in scripture.  The answer is simple: we need to let God guide us.  Now I know that some of you are thinking that you have tried this before and it didn’t work.  Knowing God’s will isn’t easy, but I can assure you that God wants to communicate with us and guide our decisions.  The book of James tells us to ASK IN FAITH.  God promises to give us wisdom if we just ask for it.
The real key is to ask ourselves if we really trust in God.  If we do, then we must turn over control of our lives to Him and keep moving in the direction that he leads.  God sees paths that we don’t know exist.  He will make a way.  God bless you and guide your decisions, large and small.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

If we don't take care of ourselves, we won't be capable of taking care of others. It's as simple as that. So why do we go on and on and give and give until we're emotionally and physically exhausted?
by Beverly Smallwood, Ph.D.
Have you ever asked yourself that question?  I have!  I know in my head that I need to take care of myself in order to care for others.  I’m even reminded of this every time I ride in an airplane and hear the instructions given before each flight.  If the overhead compartment should open and the oxygen masks come out, I am to place mine on first before assisting others.  This seems to make sense when I hear the airline attendant say it.  So why is it such a hard concept to practice in my everyday life?
As a Christian I have heard it stated and restated numerous times that I should stop thinking of myself and put the needs of others first.  The message of self-sacrifice and service comes across loud and clear.  However, I don't believe that this message is a complete interpretation of the scriptures.
Yes, self-centeredness is at the core of our sinfulness.  We are to deny ourselves and sacrificially give to God and others, but I believe that we confuse unselfishness with stewardship.   The Bible actually teaches the value of our needs, which are God-given and are intended to propel us to growth and to God.  Neglecting our needs leads to spiritual and emotional problems; meeting our needs frees us to meet the needs of others cheerfully and without resentment.
What do you think?

I’ll be praying for you ….Karen

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Imagine yourself behind the wheel of a car driving 45 mph on a curving mountain road.  Your speed is safe for the road conditions…or so you think. The pavement is wet due to a light rain, and though you are not aware of it, the temperature is dropping rapidly.  It is late at night and you have been driving for hours.  The radio is on and your mind is focused on the road ahead of you .  All of a sudden, the road feels different.  The steering wheel is loose and unresponsive.  Your heart begins to race as you realize the back end of your car is sliding.  The rain has frozen and become a layer of ice.  You are beginning to slide out of control.  Reflexively, you push your foot on the brake.  That action simply increases the speed you are sliding and you go into a full tailspin… you are out of control!
Few people ever experience the feeling of being absolutely out of control.  It is unnatural, uncomfortable, and creates intense anxiety.  Yet, from time to time, we all experience the sheer panic of being somewhat out of control.  All of us live with a profound need to have order established in the chaos of our lives.  We long for peace in the middle of the turmoil.  We want to discover how to regain control.  We need to get a grip on our lives.
In order to gain control we need to allow the Holy Spirit ‘s power of self-control be infused into our lives.  Then, if we work diligently on balancing our lives, we can accomplish this goal. 
Spend some time this week asking God to take control of your life and provide you the peace you so desperately want and need.  God wants to be a part of every aspect of your life.  He is a God of order.  He can help you get a grip on your life.
I’ll be praying for you ….Karen

Monday, May 2, 2011

If I had my life to live over, I would perhaps have more actual troubles but I'd have fewer imaginary ones.  ~Don Herold
Today is the tomorrow we worried about yesterday.  ~Author Unknown

I love both of these quotes about the subject of worry.  So what actually is worry?  According to the dictionary “worry is thoughts and images of a negative nature in which mental attempts are made to avoid anticipated potential threats.”  So much of what we worry about are things yet to come.  Anticipating possibilities of the future causes us more stress than does dealing with the realities of each day.  The Bible tells us not to do it!  Yet we all have our pet worries.  What are yours: finances, marriage, kids, health, jobs, other relationships, etc?  
As Dr. Phil says: “ How’s that working for you?”   Our lives are full of stress and challenges.   The real question we need to ask ourselves is how do we deal with the stresses of life in a healthy and helpful way. 
Come and join us in Soul-utions at 11:00 AM on Sunday mornings to find out the answer to this and to other questions about stress and how the Bible encourages and instructs us to deal with it.