What does it mean to be prepared?
Definition of PREPARE
1 a : to make ready beforehand for some purpose, use, or activity <prepare food for dinner> b : to put in a proper state of mind <is prepared to listen>
2 : to work out the details of : plan in advance <preparing a campaign strategy>
3 a : to put together : compound <prepare a prescription> b : to put into written form <prepare a report>
Prepare! That is the word of this week’s candle, second in the Advent wreath. This candle is sometimes called the Bethlehem candle because the history of the little town of Bethlehem may well be a lesson in how to be prepared… or how not to. Bethlehem was not ready to receive her King!
Are you preparing for the coming of royalty, the advent of the King? Are you prepared?
A second candle glows now on the Advent wreath to help us see – and hear – the message it proclaims.