Soul-utions is a carefully crafted worship experience designed to help you on your spiritual journey. We are a group of people who are seeking God's plan for how to live our lives. You are welcome to join us on Sunday mornings at 11:00 AM at Morrison United Methodist Church in Leesburg, Florida. Come on in, grab some breakfast, and experience the love of Christ.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Around the world, followers of the Christian faith will observe Palm Sunday on April 1. It is one of the most important days in the Christian calendar and marks the beginning of Holy Week, the week of events leading up to Jesus' death and resurrection.  Palm Sunday derives its name from the palm branches that were waved by the crowds of people and strewn in the path of Jesus, as he entered Jerusalem for the Passover riding on a donkey. They shouted: ‘Hosanna!’ believing that Jesus was the Messiah coming to free them from Roman oppression. 

As a symbol of their faith and devotion, many Christians keep the palm crosses which are distributed during Palm Sunday services and hang them in their houses throughout the year.

What other symbols do we keep near us or place in a conspicuous place in order to remind us of the price paid for our eternal place in Paradise.  I keep a broken piece of pottery hanging in my bathroom that helps to remind me of my brokenness and the price paid by Christ for the gift of my salvation.  My heart rejoices every time I see that broken piece of pottery. 
As you celebrate Palm Sunday, may your heart rejoice with the knowledge of the gift that you have been offered.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Lent is a great time for reflection.  It's a time to remember what Jesus did for us when he died on the cross.  It's also a time to examine our spiritual life and make changes to help us prepare for the resurrected Christ.

In Soul-utions we are looking at the last words of Jesus, spoken from the cross.  Join us on this Lenten journey as we discover that those words still hold great meaning for us today.