At a gathering of senior pastors and spouses of the hundred largest United Methodist churches in the United States, a discussion took place on how these churches could assist the denomination as a whole in the new reality of ministry. Statistics indicate that there is a rapid decline in worship attendance and church membership.
John Wesley, founder of Methodism, faced a similar crisis in his own denomination. Wesley saw empty churches and, even more disturbing, empty spirits and decided something must be done. He took to heart the teachingsof the apostle Paul, focusing on our need to become what God had created us to be.
John Wesley traveled 250,000 miles to preach 40,000 sermons in the countryside. He did this because the people were there and God wanted him to go. Wesley realized that in giving our lives away in service to Christ, we find real life and it makes all the difference.
Where is God calling you to serve! Remember God has gone before you to prepare your path.