On March 25, 1999, Pope John-Paul II, the spiritual leader of the Catholic Church, called upon the world's 404,000 priests to teach the faithful how to pray. In obedience to the holy Pontiff, "The Catholic Doors Ministry" has compiled thousands of Catholic prayers into A Treasure of Catholic Prayers. The world's largest, most popular collection, a treasure of 3,486 prayers, can be found on the internet.
The appeal for many people is having ready-made prayers available to them at a moments notice. This is indicative of many things in our society. We live in a world where people are used to having things done for them, such as ready-made meals, online and automatic banking, and telephones that can answer all our questions.
Instant gratification is a way of life for us. But what impact does that have on us as a society and as individuals? I am concerned that if everything is done for us, we don't gain as much as if we had to do and think for ourselves.
God wants to hear our thoughts, concerns, and areas of thanksgiving. He wants more than just recitations of someone else's words. Let us commit to spending some time in conversation with God.
You're right, Karen. And it takes practice and confidence to trust that our own words are enough. God is always listening!